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Hawthorne - Dark Brown Marble Patina - PRE SALE

Sale price$371.25 Regular price$495.00


what the style is:

Butterfly Loafer

With origins in bespoke British shoemaking, butterfly loafers are a modern reinterpretation of the classic penny loafer: The single penny strap is replaced with two straps, whose interlocking shape resembles a butterfly. Most frequently seen with a brogued apron, our "Hawthorne" butterfly loafer instead opts for a hand-stitched moccasin-style apron detail.

what it's lasted on:

TMG Last

The TMG is our smart round last. Its subtle shape ensures an elegant look on any style of shoe, and its versatility enables you to wear it anywhere from the boardroom to date night.

The TMG is a classic medium-fitting last:
-Standard Forefoot
-Standard instep
-Good for medium-sized feet
-Non-elongated last

what you'll be standing on:

Leather Sole (Closed Channel)

Single leather soles are our most handsome sole option. A subtle profile combines with tastefully pitched heels, beveled waists, and closed-channel stitching to ensure an elegant look, while seven brass nails in the toe improve longevity.

size guidance

As a standard rule for our loafers, we cut them more snugly compared to our laced shoes in the same size.

For our Hawthorne, on the TMG Last, we recommend that most gentlemen stick with the same size as their laced shoes. The exception is if you wear your laced shoes without room to spare, then we recommend you take a half size up. We do not recommend you size down on these unless you have a very slender foot with a very low instep.

Similar in sizing to the Carmina Uetam loafer and Crockett & Jones Cavendish.

Length: Standard
Width: Standard
Instep: Standard
Toe Box: Standard
Last shape: Smart round

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